Friday, October 1, 2010

Abiotic Limiting Factor!

This is an abiotic limiting factor. This is because when the plant dies, an animal won't have shelter for it to be protected and to be able to live there. An example for an animal that might live here are insects and bunnies. If this plant died, the bunny won't be protected from another animal trying to eat it. For insects, this will limit them from food and shelter for their families.

This picture is taken by jerseygirl425.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Frog Disecting in Sciece Class

Ewwww! Some of you maybe saying this when you disect a frog or some maybe saying "this is so cool!". But when we were disecting in class a few days ago, I was in the middle. In class we learned about the frog and how it adapts to it's enviroment. We learned how it reproduces and everything. Then came the disecting.Disecting a frog is very cool. In my opinion I think it's cool and ewish. The cool part about disecting a frog is that it shows everything internally in the frog's body! The ewish part was probably the smell, and probably the stomach since we had to cut it open and see what the frog's last meal was! So, to sum it all up, the frog is a very interesting animal to disect.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Thursday, September 17, 2009

When you are in the zoo and you come to the exhibit of the flamingos and you see them sleeping on one leg, you wonder why that is? But i have an answer for you.

The flamingos stand on one leg because it helps stregthen their legs. Also it reduces muscle fatigue and because its important to the thermoregulation. Secondly it helps with the maintenance of the body tempature. This also helps because it doesnt tire them out. Those are the reasons why the flamingos sleep on one leg.

My opinion about this research is that this flamingos are very strong. I think this because whenever the flamingos sleep on one leg it strenghtens the leg by putting all of its weight on it. Also i think they are smart because if they didnt do that their muscles would be very weak and it wont keep the right amount of body tempature. Also if they dont do this they will get tired out. I think my opinion is very important because if they werent smart or strong they wouldnt do things that they do today.